You are here: Customers


Customers in Idealpos

Customers can be added to the POS database for a variety of functions.

They must be created if you are using them for Accounts, Bar Tabs, Loyalty, Rewards, Laybys, Membership and Reservations.

Each Customer Type functions in a different way and not all Customer types can be used for each type of sale.


Customers can also be used when using Promotions, Gift Vouchers, Credit Notes and Pending Sales, but are not required.


Customer Types and Customers can all be accessed by going to File > Customers.



Customer Types

Customer Search

Add Customers

Manually Add Customers

Importing Customers

POS Screen Add Customers

Modify Customers

Back Office Customer Modify

POS Screen Customer Modify

Discontinue Customers

Customer List

Customer Fields

Customer Settings

POS Terminal Settings

Global Option Settings

Yes/No Option Settings

Function Descriptor Settings

POS Screen Button Settings

>>> Button on POS Screen

Customer Accounts

Customer “Account on Hold” function via User-Defined Yes/No Option

Master/Sub Accounts

Customer Loyalty Points

Points per Dollar

Points per Item (Special Points)

Points per Price Level

Customer Sales

Customer Transactions

Account Adjustment

Account Credit

Account Payment

Account Refund

Unallocated Adjustment

Unallocated Payment

Customer Enquiry

Mag Card Printing

Customer Promotions

Customers Favourite Transaction

Customer Related Reports