You are here: Stock Items > General Tab > Tags


Tags can be added to Stock Items and they can be used to record additional details about the item or type of item.

Tags can be entered into the selection range within the Stock Item Sales Report to only show Stock Items that match the entered tags.


Using a clothing store as an example, you may have clothing articles which are for babies, children, adolescents and adults.

Clothing Stock Items can be marked using tags such as:


You can create as many tags as needed for each item, with a maximum length of thirty characters for each tag.



To enter a tag for an item, click into the empty tags field and start entering a tag.

As you start typing, the text that has been entered into the tags field will appear in a popup below the tags field.

To add the tag, you can press the "+" button shown in the popup, press the comma "," button, or press Enter.

Repeat this process for each tag that is required.



If the tag text being entered matches any existing tags, the existing tags will be offered as a suggestion.

To select a suggested tag from the list, either click on the suggested tag with the mouse cursor, or use the down arrow/up arrow keys on your keyboard until you select the required tag, then press the Enter key to add that tag to the current item.



If there are more tags entered than can be displayed in the tags area, a scrollbar will appear on the right-hand side of the tags area which can be used to scroll through the list of tags.



Tags that are no longer required can be removed by pressing the "X" button located next to the tag.



After "X" has been pressed next to the tag, the tag is removed from the list.



Any changes to the tags will be saved when pressing the "Save" button on the bottom-right corner of the Stock Item window.

Should you forget to press the "Save" button and press the "X" button on the top-right corner of the Stock Item window, the following prompt will appear, asking whether you want to save your changes. Press "Yes" to save.