You are here: Reports > Sales


The Sales group has twenty one main reports that are available which are:

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Stock Item Sales

This report will detail the quantities of each selected Stock Item within the range. This report will give you the following options:



This report will show the breakdown of sales by Stock Item.

The Unit Price Inc column is always inclusive, including regions which sell items with Ex Tax Rates (i.e. Tax is applied or added to the item during the finalisation of the sale).

This report is useful for viewing the total quantities of a particular item or items within a specific department when trying to achieve sales goals.



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Stock Item Sales Trend

This report will give you the following options:



This report will display the Stock Item sales breakdown over a selected range.



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Department Sales

This report will give you the following options:



This report will provide a breakdown of each Department sales. This report is able to be printed to the receipt printer by using the relevant function in the POS Screen programming.


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Department Sales Trend

This report will give you the following options:



This report will display the Department sales breakdown over a selected range.



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Sales Categories

This report will give you the following options:



This report will display the totals for Sales Categories over a defined period. Sales Categories group Departments.


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Grouped Sales

This report will give you the following options:



The grouped sales report generates one report with the ability to cascade through the report. The first level is sales categories, by double clicking on this you are taken to the department totals. Double click on a department and the stock items that make up this department are displayed. By double clicking on the stock item the report displays the time and date of the sales, the clerk that sold them, quantity sold and the sale price.



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Hourly Sales

This report will give you the following options:



This report will display the selected sales by the Hour.


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Clerk Sales

This report will give you the following options:



An example of a Report of Stock Item or Department Sales sold by each Clerk.



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Weekly Sales

This report will give you the following options:



This report will display the selected sales total amounts breakdown by weekday.


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Weekly Sales Trend

This report will give you the following options:



This report will display the totals as a trend over the weekday.


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Journal History

This report will give you the following options:



This report will show all transactions performed.


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Cash Declaration

This report will give you the following options:



This report will show the details of the Expected, Actual and Variance totals of the End of Shift function.


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Stock Remaining

The report will give you the following options:



This report will show the stock remaining from the current stock level after sales.


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Inactive Stock

This report will give you the following options:



This report will display all items that have not been sold within the selected date range.


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Pending Sales

This report will give you the following options:



This report provides a complete list of all pending sales as well as the items within each sale.



When you use the Status selections when saving a Pending Sale, these will all be grouped on the report by default, regardless of the order they were saved.


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This report will give you the following options:



This report shows the promotions activated and the totals within each.

The below example shows the Report Type "Promotion Summary by Type"



The below example shows the Report Type "Promotion Details by Item"

This Report Type will show the individual Stock Items that are included in a Promotion, along with the Cost of each Stock Item.

The Costs displayed in this report are the costs of the Stock Items at the time that the Promotion was triggered.

Should you need to review the changes to a Stock Item's Cost, use the Price Changes Report available via Reports > Stock Control > Price Changes > Enable checkbox "Cost Price Changes"


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Price Level Comparison

This report will give you the following options:



This report allows you to compare the actual price level of items sales with other price levels.


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Gift Vouchers/Gift Voucher Redemption

This report will give you the following options:



This report will show the Gift Voucher details dependent of the options selected.


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Credit Notes

This report will give you the following options:



This report will show the Credit Note details dependent on the options selected.


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This report will give you the following options:



This report will detail the coupons that have been activated.