You are here: Customers > Customer Related Reports

Customer Related Reports

For all Customer reports, go to Reports > Customers.

The following Customer Related Reports are available:



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Customer Sales

This report will give you the following options:



This report will detail the stock items that a customer has purchased.


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Customer Journal History

This report will give you the following options:



This report will detail all transactions that have taken place with a specific customer.


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Customer Points

This report will give you the following options:



This report will detail each sale that has allocated points to a customer.


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Customer Spending

This report will give you the following options:



This report will detail the totals that have been spent by each customer.



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Best Customers

This report will give you the following options:



This report will display a list of the customers who have spent more than others.


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Inactive Customers

This report will give you the following options:



This report will display the customers who do not purchase any items.


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Layby Transactions/Layaway Transactions

This report will give you the following options:



This report will display all transaction related to the layby/layaway of a customer, including payments.


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Layby Report/Layaway Report

This report will give you the following options:



This report will display the details of a layby/layaway by all customers in its current state.


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Customer Invoices

This report will give you the following options:



The filename of the Customer Invoice attachment sent to the Customer's Email address will vary depending on whether the Customer Invoice is emailed via Customer Invoices Report or if it is emailed to the Customer after the Account Transaction has been tendered in the sale.



Customer Report Setting in Global Options

Go to Setup > Global Options > Customers > A4 Tax Invoice > Override Header.


Override Header allows you to rename the Tax Invoice header of A4 invoices given to Customers.




A4 Tax Invoice supports programmable Graphic in footer

This functionality allows you to create a graphic that can be used when printing A4 Tax Invoices.

The graphic must measure max 710x192px.

The graphic must be stored within the Idealpos 9 Pictures folder.

The Pictures folder is typically available in the following location, but this may vary based on the Operating System:

C:\ProgramData\Idealpos Solutions\Idealpos\Pictures\


Go to Setup > Global Options > General > Invoice Footer Graphic.




This report will enable you to send an A4 invoice to the customer for payment of goods on account.

You can see the Invoice Total, Amount Paid and Balance Due.


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Customer Trial Balance

This report will give you the following options:



This report will display the totals of accounts for each customer over a period.


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Customer Account Transactions

This report will give you the following options:



This report will detail the transactions that have taken place with customers as payments or purchases.



When using the Group by Location or POS System options, the report will show a subtotal for each Location or POS System.


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Customer Statements

This report will give you the following options: