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Idealpos integrates with Doshii via Idealpos Online eCommerce.

You will require Idealpos Online/Idealpos Online eCommerce to be enabled to utilise this integration.


Doshii is a third-party company that enables orders from various eCommerce platforms (e.g. Mobi, Mr Yum, Me&U, etc.) to be captured and sent to your POS Terminals.

This simplifies the configuration process so that Idealpos only needs to be configured to communicate with Doshii and Doshii handles the rest.

This also opens up your options to utilise the many eCommerce platforms that Doshii integrates with.

The configuration between Doshii and each of your eCommerce platforms is all configured and handled by Doshii within their system.


Note that there are a few steps that will need to be performed on your Idealpos system so you can utilise this integration.

Once the required configuration has been completed, any orders placed via your eCommerce platforms are captured by Doshii and sent to your Idealpos POS Terminals.


To learn more about Doshii, visit their website -


Doshii Configuration