You are here: Pagers > Boomerang


Boomerang pagers will only work in Ideal Kitchen Monitor.

You can access the Boomerang pager settings in IKM by going to: Setup > Screens > Notification.


Notification Tab

The Notification Tab is used to enable and configure third-party hardware for paging customers when their Order is ‘Ready’ or ‘Done’.


You cannot program any settings until you have enabled the function.

Use the drop-down menu to select from None, BluFi Boomerang V1, BluFi Boomerang V2 or Genesis Paging BluFi Boomerang.

You also need to select which function will send the page using ‘Ready’ or ‘Done’.



Address (Genesis Only)

This is the address of the Server.


Port (Genesis Only)

This is the Port that the Server listens on.



This is the prefix for the Pager and is generally 3 characters long.

Additional zeros required will be padded to match.



This is set to the COM Port that the device will be connected to.


Custom Prefix (Genesis Only)

Apply a custom prefix before the information is sent to the pager to enable the system to filter messages.



This setting is based on the specifications of the devices that you will be using.



This is the message that gets sent to the Pager.

To include the Order Number in the message add %order% as part of the message.



Use the drop down to select Numeric Only or Alpha Numeric.

This is the format of the message that will be sent to the Pager.

If Numeric is selected, any alpha characters will be stripped.


FallbackToOrder (Genesis Only)

Fall Back to Order Number


Message Preface (Genesis Only)

Preface Messages With.

A space must be added at the end.