You are here: Promotions



Promotions provide advanced discount functionality that can be applied automatically to a sale, based on combinations of rules and options.



A drop-down menu for Expiring is available at the top of the screen where you can choose from This Week, Next Week, This Month, Next Month and This Year.

When selected, only those promotions within that selection will display.

This field can be used in conjunction with all other fields.



Promotions in Idealpos

Import Promotions

Promotion Link Enquiry

Order of Priority for Discounts/Surcharges/Promotions

Promotion Discount Distributed Amongst Stock Items

Selecting Trip Items

Promotion Range

Apply Promotions to specific Customers via a Text File Linked in User-Defined Text

Promotion Discount Types

$ Discount off Items

% Discount off Items

Fixed Price for Items

Bonus Stock Item

Cheapest Item % Discount

Unit Price Each

$ Discount off Total

Expensive Item % Discount

$ Discount Each Item

Discount Based on Price Level

Point Multiplication Factor

Promotion Groups

Promotions List

Expired Promotions

Promotion Priority Level

Copy Promotion

Promotion On/Off

Promotion Examples

Priority Change Affects Same Items

Set Multiple Trip Levels for the Same Items

Promotion Tripped by Quantity or Amount

Multiple Trip Quantities and Amounts

Promotions Tripped Multiple Times

Promotion Filters

Promotion Labels

Promotion Search and Filtering

Promotions Related Reports

Promotions Listing