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Using Idealpos & ResDiary


As soon as you have changed all the settings within Idealpos and restarted the software, ResDiary is at work.

All current and future reservations can be viewed by clicking the Reservations button in the bottom right corner of the Table Map screen.


In Idealpos, go to the Table Map.



At any time, you can also press the Reservations button on the POS Screen.



The reservations will be displayed on screen.



You select the button to the right of each reservation (…) to find out more information on the guest.



Walk In Guests

A Walk-In guest can be seated at an available table within Idealpos or ResDiary.

Note that when seating a Walk-In guest via ResDiary, the 'Walk-In' guest option is only available if selecting a timeslot less than 30 minutes into the future.

When selecting a timeslot that is greater than 30 minutes into the future, a full reservation will need to be created in ResDiary.

For further details on how to seat a Walk-In guest via ResDiary or Idealpos, click on relevant link below.




Creating a Reservation in ResDiary

All reservations for a Table must be made via the ResDiary web interface.

For information on how to book a reservation in ResDiary, click on the link below.


Seating Registered Guests at a Table

All guests that have a booking must be seated at a Table via the ResDiary web interface.

For information on how to seat a registered guest at a table, click on the link below.


Joining Tables when the number of covers entered exceed maximum number of covers allowed

If the covers entered exceed the capacity defined on the Table in ResDiary (when seating a guest at a table via the Idealpos Table Map by selecting a Table and pressing the 'Occupy' button), you have two options:



If you press NO (to join two or more tables together), you can select which tables on the Table Map will be joined.

Enter each Table Number that will be joined, ensuring that the comma button [,] is pressed after each Table Number that is entered.

Once the Table Numbers have been entered, press the 'OK' button on the bottom-right corner to continue.



Confirm the two (or more) tables that are about to be occupied by pressing Yes.



The tables will then be taken.

Both tables will show the Customer Name (e.g. Walk In or Customer's Name).

Only one table will show the status (red colour corresponding to the 'Seated' status) while the other table will lose its table number (the table below Table 2 does not show the Table Number nor does it show the red colour corresponding to the 'Seated' status).



The slot occupied in the ResDiary grid will reflect the joined tables, as shown in the example below.



Table Status sent to ResDiary

Any table status function that is used will change the table in the Table Map and be reflected in ResDiary.

Status' that are sent to ResDiary include Entrée Away, Mains Away, Desserts Away, Drinks Away, Bill Printed, Table Paid and To Clean/Finish.

The below example shows the booking in ResDiary with the 'Drinks Away' status (indicated by the small drinks image shown on the right-hand side of the booking slot).