You are here: Surcharges


Surcharges in Idealpos

Idealpos supports four different types of Surcharges which can be applied to a sale.

The choices you can select are: Item, Subtotal, Automatic Surcharge, and Tender Surcharge.

All types of surcharges can be applied as a Percent (%), only the Automatic Surcharge can also be applied as a Dollar ($).


Surcharges are used to add a variable amount to a sale for many different reasons depending on the business.

Item and Subtotal Surcharges can be configured only to allow access to certain staff through the use of permissions, whereas Automatic Surcharges and Tender Surcharges will apply regardless of the permissions, as it is set per Terminal or Tender.


It is important to check your local laws regarding the use of, and implementation of Surcharges.

Idealpos provides this function on the assumption you are acting in accordance with your local laws and guidelines, and does not assume responsibility for any misuse as a result.


Surcharge Settings

Surcharge Examples

Item Surcharge

Subtotal Surcharge

Automatic Surcharge

Tender Surcharge