You are here: Stock Items > Stock Items in Idealpos > Discontinue


If a Stock Item is no longer required, you can discontinue it.

The discontinue button is located on the left-hand side menu.



Highlight the item and press Discontinue then select Yes.



If you want to discontinue multiple items, simply press Multi-Select at the top right of the screen.

Select the items individually by highlighting them while pressing Ctrl, or select a range using the Shift key.



Discontinued items are then removed from the Stock Item grid and will no longer appear in the stock item listings or Stock-take screens.

To show discontinued items, select the ‘Discontinued’ option located towards the bottom left hand corner of the stock item grid.



Once Stock Items are discontinued, you can permanently delete them by selecting the item and pressing the Delete button.



All sales history will be grouped under a Stock Item called ‘Deleted Stock Items’.

Sales history for individually deleted Stock Items can no longer be viewed under the original Stock Item Code or Description.